Key Legal Insights: Severing Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship in FloridaIn Florida, joint tenancy with the right of survivorship (JTWRS) is a common form of property ownership in which two or more individuals co-own property. The unique aspect of JTWRS...
Real Estate
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Year-End Checklist for Real Estate Owners in Florida
Year-End Checklist for Real Estate Owners in FloridaThe end of the year presents an excellent opportunity for Florida real estate owners to review their portfolios and make sure that they are legally and financially ready for the upcoming year. Florida real estate...
Important Resources for Real Estate in Florida
Important Resources for Real Estate in FloridaUnderstanding property valuations, taxes, and legal regulations is crucial to navigating the complexities of real estate in Florida for homeowners, investors, and business owners alike. Those involved in real estate...
Understanding the Role of Title Agents and Title Companies in Florida
Understanding the Role of Title Agents and Title Companies in FloridaAn Introduction to Understanding the Role of Title Companies in Florida In Florida, title companies and title agents play a critical role in facilitating real estate transactions. The following...
Homestead in Florida: Applying & Embracing the Benefits
Homestead in Florida: Applying and Embracing the BenefitsFlorida Homestead laws are one of the most popular in the country and attract thousands of new residents each year. But is this law as attractive as it appears? Homestead laws in Florida refer to the legal and...
Unlocking the Power of a Warranty Deed in Florida for Property Buyers
Unlocking the Power of a Warranty Deed in Florida for Property BuyersWarranty deeds offer several advantages for both property buyers and sellers in Florida. A warranty deed is a legal document that provides significant protection related to the ownership and title of...
Important Differences Between Grantor vs Grantee under Florida Real Estate Law
Important Differences Between Grantor vs Grantee under Florida Real Estate LawIn Florida, real estate transactions undoubtedly involve several legal terms and notions. Two of the most important roles in real estate processes are that of the Grantor vs Grantee. In...
Can you remove someone from a deed without their knowledge? Understanding Property Deed Changes in Florida
Can you remove someone from a deed without their knowledge? Understanding Property Deed Changes in FloridaA common question asked of any real estate attorney is can you remove someone from a deed without their knowledge? Property ownership is perhaps one of the most...
The Florida Homestead Exemption
The Florida Homestead Exemption The Florida Homestead Exemption Laws are one of the most beneficial exemptions afforded to homeowners in the state. An exemption reduces the assessed value of real property, which in turn reduces the amount of property tax owed on the...
Do I need title insurance if I pay cash for real estate in Florida?
Do I need title insurance if I pay cash for real estate in Florida?Many of our articles are premised on actual concerns or questions posed by our clients. Of the various subject areas related to real estate closings that we are contacted about daily, queries about...